With your support, we have flourished from a small family enterprise to become one of the leading dental practices in Latvia. While upholding a high level of professionalism and utilising cutting-edge technology, we are always available for a heartfelt talks and warm smiles.
Everything you need for dental health in one place
Dentistry is almost always a series of multiple procedures, each requiring specialized knowledge, approach, and personnel. Apines Clinic ensures the highest professional standards and state-of-the-art technological foundation at every stage, starting from diagnostics and ending with aesthetics care.
After the first visit, you already understand that yes, I will return there. Responsive, kind. Pēc pirmās vizītes, jau saproti, ka jā, es tur atgriezīšos. Atsaucīgi, laipni.
Very good doctor Sandra Trautmane. I recommend the clinic for both children and adults! Ļoti laba daktere Sandra Trautmane. Iesaku klīniku gan bērniem, gan pieaugušiem!
I am satisfied. Pulled out a wisdom tooth. The SOS registration is working, I have called 1 for myself - I got through immediately the next day. I have also called about a child, where it is even offered right away on the same day. Individual registrars should definitely not work with clients, though. Plus, it is a bit confusing that there are open-type offices, i.e. behind the wall/cabinet there are other patients whose conversations and medical history can be heard by the neighbor. But that certainly doesn't change the fact that doctors are doing a good job. Esmu apmierināta. Izrāva gudrības zobu. SOS pieraksts strādā, esmu 1 par sevi zvanījusi - uzreiz tiku nākamajā dienā. Esmu zvanījusi arī par bērnu, kur pat tiek piedāvāta uzreiz tajā pašā dienā. Atsevišķas reģistratorēm noteikti nevajadzētu strādāt ar klientiem, tas gan. Plus, nedaudz mulsina tas, ka ir atvērta tipa kabineti, respektīvi, aiz sienas/skapja ir vēl citi pacienti, kuru sarunas un slimības vēsturi dzird visu, ko saka kaimiņš. Bet tas noteikti nemaina faktu, ka ārsti strādā labi.
Wonderful doctor Marina Titova! Thanks for the great work! Very satisfied with the staff and their attitude towards patients Замечательная врач Марина Титова! Спасибо за прекрасную работу! Очень довольна персоналом и его отношением к пациентам
Many thanks to Marina Titova for the encouragement, positive atmosphere, and understanding! The tooth does not hurt, and I feel great, and I am encouraged to switch from full anesthesia to sedation.. Thanks to Marina Titova.. Liels paldies Marinai Titovai par iedrošināšanu,pozitīvo gaisotni,un sapratni! Zobiņš nesāp,un jūtos lieliski,un esu iedrošināta no pilnās narkozes pāriet uz sedāciju.. Paldies Marinai Titovai..
A very nice doctor, explained everything to the child, introduced the instruments and told what she was going to do. The little patient was satisfied. Ļoti jauka daktere, visu ar bērnu izrunāja, iepazīstināja ar instrumentiem un pastāstija ko darīs. Mazais pacients bija apmierināts.
A very positive experience. I have been for both tooth filling and dental hygiene. The dentists are very kind and do their work carefully. Definitely recommend! Ļoti pozitīva pieredze. Esmu bijis gan uz zoba plombēšanu, gan uz zobu higiēnu. Zobārsti ir ļoti laipni un rūpīgi veic savu darbu. Noteikti iesaku!
Doctors with humor. Always a good experience for the most part. I didn't like the hygienist's attitude to the end, but by and large everything is always above expectations. Calms and talks while working. Thank you Ārsti ar humoru. Lielākoties vienmēr bijusi laba pieredze. Higiēnista attieksme gan līdz galam nepatika, taču pa lielam viss vienmēr virs cerētā. Nomierina un runā līdzi darbojoties. Paldies